Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Using A Stats Online Tutor

Using A Stats Online TutorWith so many people having taken up stats courses at colleges and universities, the need for a tutor assistants has become more important. The best way to do this is to use an online tutor service. This is a good option for those who do not have time to teach themselves the basics.What is the stats online tutor? A tutoring service does not charge tuition fees. It is a course designed to give students and teachers an understanding of the statistics and techniques of statistics. A tutor will teach you how to read and interpret data as well as giving you practice exercises that will help you develop your statistical skills.Tutors can help you choose the statistics course that is right for you. They may be experienced in finance, economics, statistics, economics, health, psychology or politics. They can explain the various topics and help you make sense of the material.Some tutors are also able to teach specific subjects or specialised areas of statistical study . For example, some tutors who teach statistics may teach the topics of education, human resource management, organisational management, accounting, insurance, marketing, business and many other subjects. You may be able to find tutors in your area.If you decide to use a tutoring service, it is important to find a tutor who is good at teaching you the statistics. Some people use services just to improve their statistics knowledge, but if you are serious about becoming a professional statistician, then you should choose a tutor who can really help you. Look for tutors who have published work on the subject, who work closely with others and who have had previous teaching experience.Online tutoring services usually allow you to choose how long the session will last. It is usually best to have a session lasting half an hour to three hours. You can then return to your daily routine without the extra pressure.As an online tutor, you are able to be flexible and choose when you study and wh ich sections you study. Some of the tutors charge for each lesson. If you want to study for longer, you may have to pay the tuition fee. However, if you want to only study for one or two hours a day, you may not have to pay tuition fees at all.An advantage of using a tutoring service is that you do not have to worry about getting up to go to work in the morning. If you need to leave early, it is easy to set your alarm.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Looking for talented young musicians for SoundAdviceUK

Looking for talented young musicians for SoundAdviceUK SoundAdviceUK (www.soundadviceuk.com) are looking for talented young musicians (whether that be a band, or a solo artist, a singer or a pianist) who would like the chance to perform in an intimate London venue with a great atmosphere. We're a team of volunteers who put together a monthly live music/community event called Acoustic Sundays within the Hackney area. Acoustic Sundays offer free afternoons of live music from some of the most exciting, up and coming bands and artists based in the UK, all washed down with food and drink that will tickle your taste buds without emptying your wallet. Events occur on the first Sunday of every month at St Peter's Crypt, De Beauvoir (N1 4DA) and offers free entry all day. Our next event will be on Sunday 6th April.We have around 5 x 30 minute slots to fill per event. The first slot usually goes to music schools and community groups, and the second to a talented young performer, as we recognise how valuable the performance experience is for aspiri ng musicians. We also have an 'open-mic' between each booked performance, offering additional performance opportunities for both young and old. In return for performing, our team of media volunteers provide each booked musician with a promotional video including footage of their performance as well as an interview (see examples here http://www.youtube.com/user/SoundAdviceUK/videos). Each artist/band get's a slot of around 30 minutes. All they need to bring is themselves and their instruments; we provide a fully professional sound system and engineer.If you're interested in performing at our events, or know people who may be, please contact us by email admin@soundadviceuk.com or calling the office on 020 7254 1668. For more information, visit http://soundadviceuk.com/acoustic-sundays Looking forward to seeing you at the next Acoustic Sunday on April 6th 2014!

Real Chemistry - How Childrens Games Can Teach Chemistry

Real Chemistry - How Children's Games Can Teach ChemistryReal Chemistry is a new chemistry game that many people have been waiting for, especially kids. The first time I saw this game I thought it was just a throwaway game at an online store but then I saw some other games with the same concept.The easy way to see the obvious impact that this game has on children is simply by watching the reviews of other children's games. Most of the reviews are positive and fun. These are not reviews of Real Chemistry however, they are more about these games that claim they can teach kids how to make their own fake compounds and how to use them to learn about chemical reactions.This game teaches kids the fundamental principles of chemistry. You begin the game by choosing from different colors. These colors signify a reaction between two or more compounds. The colors are blue, green, yellow, red, white, black, brown, and orange.Orange is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen. This is the basic molecule that makes up everything from water to chocolate. Oxygen and hydrogen are usually two compounds that cannot mix together but this can be changed by adding something else.Your goal is to mix your compounds into one of the seven different colors and you will also need to mix two other colors together to make a colored mixture. The reaction that will take place is based on the number of molecules that you have created in your mix. For example, if you want to make a brown colored mixture, you should try to mix more than the amount of orange molecules you started with.Once the game is over you will notice that the changes in color will be apparent on the yellow compound, orange and red. But don't worry too much, you can always go back and re-do your mix if you think you made a mistake and change it to something else.The game also gives the opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind reaction that can only be found in the game. It's fun to see what you can come up with when the color combinatio ns are chosen carefully. It's also a good way to introduce your child to chemistry without making a chemical bomb out of the most common elements.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tutoring Rate in Singapore

Tutoring Rate in SingaporeYou may wonder whether there is a tutoring rate in Singapore. Many students are under the impression that, because they live in an English speaking country, tutors are few and far between. However, Singapore is home to several government-run and private tutoring centers, which offer both local and international English lessons.Since the number of students who are learning English has increased, the number of teachers has also expanded. All the government-run tutoring centers require that their tutors are certified teachers. A licensed tutor is an essential component of the Singapore school system. Any student wishing to study the English language in Singapore must have a tutor.As long as they have sufficient knowledge in the English language, both private and government tutors are able to cater to the needs of students. The government provides funds for private and public tutoring centers. Private tutors are typically taught by high-level language experts, w hereas, the government does not provide funding for private English teachers.International English teachers are normally hired by private English tutors in Singapore, but those in the government's sector usually offer less expensive tuition fees. Students who want to earn more can choose to enroll in a school that has a government contract, in which case, the fees will be subsidized.It is possible to get private tutors from Australia, China, India, New Zealand, Singapore, and USA. Individuals who want to know about all the options available to them may visit the websites of those tutoring centers. If you are interested in learning English, ask the parents or guardians about the fees that they would like to pay.There are many different schools for overseas students, which are very popular because of the guarantee that the educational institutions are committed to the standards set by the Ministryof Education. Parents must understand that their children are free to choose whichever in stitution that they feel comfortable with. They can contact the school directly and inquire about the fee structure, and if the students are required to pay extra if they have already paid for the college or university education.In case you have more than five international students at a time, you must prepare a budget. You should keep in mind the various expenses that you will incur when the students study in your Singapore house. This is because tuition fees, medical expenses, food, etc, will add up.

Online Square Root of 9 Tutors

Online Square Root of 9 Tutors Square root of a number is represented by a square root radical sign . The square root of a number can be calculated by simplifying the radical by writing the numbers prime factors. In order to find the square root of 9, we split 9 into its prime factors which is 3 * 3. Hence 9 = (3 * 3) = 3. 9 is called as the perfect square since its square root gives a perfect number instead of a radical or decimal number. Example 1: What is the value of the expression, 16 + 9? Here each square root radical should be simplified further. 16= (2 * 2 * 2 * 2). Now pull out the number which is repeating twice inside the radical. This gives: 16= 2 * 2 = 4 And 9 = 3. So, 16 + 9 = 4 + 3 = 7. Hence the simplified form of the expression 16 + 9 is = 7. Example 2: What is the value of the expression, 25 - 9? Here each square root radical should be simplified further. 25= (5 * 5). Now pull out the number which is repeating twice inside the radical. This gives: 25 = 5 And 9 = 3. So, 25 + 9 = 5 - 3 = 2. Hence the simplified form of the expression 25 - 9 is = 2.

Coplanar lines

Coplanar lines Coplanar lines are a set of lines that are in the same plane. The study of coplanar lines is done under the subject coplanar geometry. When two intersecting lines that must lie in the same plane therefore these 2 lines will be called coplanar. The definition of Coplanar is a set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any geometrical shapes are in the same plane they are known to be Coplanar. Parallel lines in the 3D space are coplanar. Skew lines are not coplanar. A set of lines drawn on the sheet of paper are coplanar. The Points in the same plane are Coplanar therefore a) Correct, Points A, B, C and D are coplanar b) Incorrect, since both are in different plane c) Correct, since both are in different plane Example 2: Referring to the same figure in the above example, explain on which plane is the line OP coplanar. Solution: In the given problem we can see 2 sets of planes. One is ABCD plane and 2nd is EFGH plane. We see the line OP, point O lies on line CD and GH. Point P lies on line AB and EF, therefore the line OP lies in the plane ABCD and EFGH.

Rational Function Online Tutoring - Rational Function Help

Rational Function Online Tutoring - Rational Function Help Rational function f(x) is an algebraic function written in p(x) / q(x) form. The condition for the rational function is the denominator cannot be equal to zero i.e. q(x) 0. The rational function can be solved or simplified using different mathematical properties such as multiplicative property, associative property, additive inverse multiplicative inverse and many more. The rational function f(x) can take different values of x. Example 1: Solve the given rational function and find the value of x. f(x) = 5x/(x + 12) if f(x) = 1. Solution: Given is the function f(x) = 5x/(x + 12) and f(x) = 1. 5x /(x + 12) = 1 Multiplying (x + 12) both sides of the equation. (x + 12) [5x /(x + 12)] = 1 (x + 12); 5x = x + 12. Subtract both sides of the equation with x. 5x - x = x + 12 x; 4x = 12. Divide by 4 on both sides of the equation. 4x/ 4 = 12/ 4; Hence x = 3. Example 2: Solve the given rational function and find the value of x. f(x) = (2x 10)/3x if f(x) = 0. Solution: Given is the function f(x) = (2x 10)/3x for f(x) = 0. (2x 10)/3x =0 Multiplying 3x both sides of the equation. (2x 10) = 0 Add both sides of the equation with 10. 5 x = 10 Divide by 5 on both sides of the equation. 5 x/ 5 = 10/ 2; x = 2. Hence x = 2.

7 Things Introverts want the Boss to Know - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 7 Things Introverts want the Boss to Know - Introvert Whisperer 7 Things Introverts want the Boss to Know Leaders come in every personality type from Introvert to Extravert and all sorts of other flavors.   One thing every good leader has to know is how to bring out the best in each person they are responsible for leading. It’s not always easy to know how to interact with some people, especially when the behavior isn’t your type. You might even find some behaviors annoying but despite that, your job is to get employees or reports to work as productively as possible. Here are some suggestions for bringing out the best in the introverts you work with: Ask them what they think. Just because the introvert isn’t as outwardly engaging in conversation, doesn’t mean they don’t have something to contribute.   They may simply be hoping for a chance to join in but interrupting is not something they are prone to do. What you see is not all you get. Introverts have fantastic things to contribute but you may not know it at first glance or even second glance. You may not think you should have to dig their assets out of them, but if you do, you may be richly rewarded.   You probably have a star and don’t even know it. They need process and think time. If you want the best that an introvert has to offer, don’t just spring things on them and demand an instant answer.   Of course, you might get an answer but the best answer will be one where you have planted the seed and harvested a response later. They aren’t shy or anti-social. A myth about introverts is that they don’t like to be around people.     They are as social as the next person it’s just that they need to be alone to produce their best work and to think through things.   They do get grumpy when that solitude is interrupted or when not given enough alone time. Email is your friend. Introverts do love to write.   It allows them to collect their thoughts before communicating.   Wanna know something? Email your introvert. Expect depth and expertise. Your introvert will go very deep in areas of interest to them.   You can create a resident expert if you unleash all of that focus.   This is tremendously powerful to have that kind of an asset. Too much talk may shut them down. An autopilot feature that the introvert has is to shut down talking and may go so far as to shut down the listening.   This is especially true with too much talking and too much stimulation going on around them.   If you notice it, don’t worry the brain is still engaged.   You might want to suggest a break. As a leader, you have to learn that not everyone functions the same.   You have to be alert and know how to adjust so you can turn each person into the best version of who they are. Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Aboriginal Australia

Aboriginal Australia Who were the First People in Australia? ChaptersA Brief History of MigrationThe People of AustraliaLife in Indigenous AustraliaLeisure ActivitiesTechnology of the Australian aboriginal PeopleLegacy of Australia's Native PeopleOver the last few years, the term ‘aboriginal’ used to refer to indigenous populations in Australia has been called to question for its racist connotations.However, this word is perfectly fit for use without capitalising the first letter; it is Latin for ‘original inhabitant’.Another good reason to not use that word when speaking of Australia’s native people is the diversity of cultures, languages and histories of the various tribes.Whether considered singly or overall, encapsulating all that they represent in a single â€" some say hurtful adjective does them a great disservice.That puts us in a rather difficult position, seeing as we aim to uncover as much of their history, culture and achievements as possible in a reasonably lengthy article rather than a ponderous tome.Still, your Superpro f is up to the challenge; in fact, the thrill of discovery is upon us!Let us not tarry, then... MarkHistory Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JohnHistory Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarjotteHistory Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErinHistory Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChantelleHistory Teacher 5.00 (2) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyHistory Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PeterHistory Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SerenaHistory Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsA Brief History of Migration Bush tucker is typical fare eaten by original Australians Image by pen_ash from PixabayThe challenge of establishing the history of indigenous Australians lies in the fact that, until European ships arrived, there were no records save for oral histories.To establish a tentative record of past events, archaeologists rely on the tools of their trade: radiocarbon and luminescence dating and, more recently, DNA testing.Such a test, conducted on a human skeleton found in Lake Mungo’s dry bed puts humans on the Australian continent around 65,000 years ago.Other remains, found in Victoria, indicated by their skeletons â€" thick brow ridges and very large teeth, that they were from a different branch of the hominid tree.Taken together, the difference in species seems to suggest that there was more than one migration event into Australia. This is a topic that is hotly debated still today.In spite of those (and other) indications, the prevalent theory is that a single migration populated the continent between 64,000 to 75,000 years ago.Even within that single postulate is room for discussion: whether they island-hopped, built boats or walked over the land bridge across the Arafura Sea to arrive in Australia.As sea levels were around 100 meters lower at that time, it may have been possible to walk but the more likely happening was that they were the first mariners ever.Once there, they became one of the most remarkable cultures â€" not for their evolution but for their seeming lack thereof.Discover one of the most evolved societies in Antiquity: Ancient EgyptThe People of AustraliaToday, we recognise two distinct groups of people indigenous to Australia: Australians natives and Torres Strait Islanders.Within those major categorisations, there exist several tribes unique onto themselves even though they share certain cultural elements.The largest tribes or groups were identified by the language they spoke which, in turn, was recognised at a part of the territory they occ upied.Quite possibly, there are more than 500 such groups; some of the most prominent aboriginal tribes include:The Murrawarri people: New South Wales/Queensland regionThe Koori in New South Wales and VictoriaThe Ngunnawal of the Australian Capital TerritoryThe Goori in Southeast QueenslandThe Nyungar in southern Western AustraliaThe Anangu in northern South AustraliaThe Arrernte in Central AustraliaThe Palawah in TasmaniaThe Tiwi on the Tiwi IslandsWhile some groups who lived fairly close spoke a dialect of that territory and shared cultural features, by no means could these alliances be considered political or economic in nature.As the tribes were all nomadic, they laid no claim to any territory. As they were hunter-gatherers, they had no crops to defend.They had no political agenda and no economy to cultivate or support... but that doesn’t mean that there were no conflicts!Encroaching on another tribe’s hunting ground could spark tribal warfare, often resulting in revenge kil lings. Also, women and children often fell victim to violence from other tribes and even within their own tribe.Find out how gender roles played out in other ancient civilisations.Other than that, how was life before European colonization? MarkHistory Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JohnHistory Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarjotteHistory Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErinHistory Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChantelleHistory Teacher 5.00 (2) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyHistory Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PeterHistory Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SerenaHistory Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLife in Indigenous Australia Australian cave paintings depict scenes from everyday life or spiritual beliefs Image by ejakob from PixabayUntil 1788, when European explorers first arrived, the tribes of Australia were still using stone tools.In fact, the entire period prior to the arrival of colonists is considered a continuation of the Stone Age because there was no metal in use.As mentioned before, the tribes were semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers; they did not plant crops or harvest until after European settlers had commanded vast portions of the most habitable land.For millennia, they lived in harmony with their land, their beliefs and their gods.GovernmentIndigenous Australian spiritual beliefs had no hierarchy â€" each deity and spirit was equally powerful and important.Thus, the people native to Australia endeavoured to mirror their beliefs by not establishing any social hierarchy.Healers and elders, with their long life experience and deep spirituality, were revered for those qualities, not for having been se lected to lead.Even so, their status as leader was/is only conditional; another member may emerge as a leader if s/he offers a more effective solution to a situation.In some groups, women played a powerful leadership role, but only insofar as women’s issues were concerned.The issue of government did not bear any significance until the British started colonising the land; they felt that some delegate from the groups in question should be available to talk with them.Thus, unwittingly, the British established hierarchies within the native tribes.How did the Mayans differ from other South American civilisations?Spiritual BeliefsThough each tribe had their own oral traditions, belief systems and spiritual values, the overarching theme was respect for the land and the significance of The Dreamtime.The Dreamtime refers both to the creation of the land and to the state of dreaming that humans enjoy.According to this creation myth, ‘First Peoples’ rose from the land and walked across i t, naming plants and animals as they went.Contrary to many other belief systems, theirs does not indicate that humans are above or apart from other animals or even the land; a remarkable equality among living things and the land permeates these beliefs.The Rainbow Serpent is considered the ultimate Creator; it resides under the land, in a permanent water hole. As the legend goes, it moved beneath the land, creating mountains and gorges.Where it emerged would be a body of water â€" the Serpent controls all of the water.In some groups, the serpent is male and in others, female. Yet others assign it both genders while still others maintain its gender is ambiguous.For many groups, Baiame is the Sky Father; creator of the land and hills, the trees and beasts. He gave people their laws of life, their traditions and their songs.He also created the first bora, a place where boys are initiated into manhood.Women are forbidden from seeing any depictions of Baiame, nor may they approach any su ch sacred sites.It would be difficult to give a rundown of every deity and belief the many tribes of Australia hold sacred but, looking at their most powerful symbols of creation gives us a good idea of their venerations.How did the Inca honour their gods?Significant CeremoniesAs you might imagine, indigenous people observed many rites, holding ceremonies when required.For instance, fire-stick farming was seen as good land husbandry; people felt it was their duty to take care of their natural environment. We talk more about the use of fire a little further on.Other rituals include:Male Initiation CeremonyFor a male to reach adulthood is a lengthy process; first, he must engage in what used to be called a walkabout: a period of several months in which he would leave his group and fend for himself.Once he returned, the bora would ensue.  Physical ordeals they might have endured included scarification, circumcision and tooth loss.Also during this time, they would be told of the tribe†™s legends and religious visions. They would be taught all of the sacred songs and dances. For some groups, the solemnity of the occasion would be broken by feasting.Females were barred from this rite. Initiation ceremonies tend to be very elaborate Image by falco from PixabayThe Smoking CeremonyAfter a bora or after a new child was born, members of the groups would set various plants to smoulder, producing a smoke believed to have cleansing properties.It was also believed to ward off bad spirits.CorroboreeThis event gave people the means of interacting with The Dreamtime.Wearing costumes, paint and adornments not commonly worn, people would dance, sing and act out parts of The Dreaming.This word is actually an anglicisation of ‘caribberie’, a word which, in turn, means different things to different groups of native Australians.Conversely, the concept of celebrating The Dreamtime is represented differently across all of Australia.Between territory squabbles and internal conflict, constant migration and rituals, was there any time for fun?What did the Ancient Greeks do for fun?Leisure ActivitiesSadly, much of what entertained the aboriginal people of Australia has been lost to h istory. However, there is some retelling of games involving a ball made of possum hide.Marn Grook, a word from the Weiwurung language that means ‘ball’ or ‘game’ is taken to represent all manner of pastimes involving kicking and catching a ball.Although this activity’s rules varied from group to group across the regions, it bore a strong similarity to football... although more than 100 people may have played in any match-up.Art features prominently in these cultures; examples of such date back thousands of years.the didgeridoo, considered one of the oldest musical instruments to date, is a long tube of eucalyptus with no finger holes that the player blows into to create sound.  Typically, playing that instrument was a 'males only' proposition.Other musical instruments include: clapsticks, bull roarers and gum leaf - a free reed instrument.Three major regional styles of aboriginal art include a simple figurative style found in Queensland; a complex figurative style Arnhem L and and a geometric style that radiates out from Central Australia.In terms of age and abundance, aboriginal art is said to be on par with the caves in Lascaux; in fact, experts agree that this is the world’s oldest continuing art tradition.The paint used to render these works is the same ochre that they adorn themselves with for ritual celebrations. A musician playing a didgeridoo and clapsticks Image by John R Perry from PixabayTechnology of the Australian aboriginal PeopleAs a hunter-gatherer society of the Stone Age, nothing went to waste; not even women’s hair.A woman’s long hair would provide ample material to make a string that could fasten arrowheads to spear poles.  They would braid strands of hair together to make general-purpose belts that held tools or from which a loincloth could hang.Hair was also used to make baskets and fishing nets, headbands or supports for a coolamon â€" a carrying vessel generally borne on the head.Tree bark also had many uses, from building shelters to building canoes.More advanced devices included the boomerang and the message stick â€" symbols engraved on a piece of wood approximately 30cm long, which would be delivered to other groups.Sometimes, the purpose of these message sticks was to invite a nearby tribe to a corobboree.The Use of FireIn Australia, evidence of fire was found that dates back 100,000 years.What’s remarkable is that people had discovered a way to harness fire’s power to clear otherwise impenetrable brush, to drive game animals and to produce new growth of food plants.In that sense, you might say that the original Australians were fire farmers.Fire was also used to communicate with distant tribes, drive dangerous inhabitants out of underbrush â€" snakes and poisonous insects, and to increase diversity in food plants.However, care was taken to not burn the jungles that were home to their guiding spirits.How did the Aztecs manage their jungle growth?Legacy of Australia's Native PeopleIf it hadn’t been for European explorers, native Australians might have continued to live the way they had for centuries.What truly impacted the native people of Australia was British Colonisation.To be sure, we weren’t the first ones to land but we were the ones to stay... and we brought our social ills and diseases with us.Influenza, measles and smallpox esp ecially proved devastating; within a year, approximately half of the native population in the Sidney area had succumbed to them.It is true that Governor Phillip, the first ‘leader’ of the colonies, did his best to adhere to his orders: find a way to live with the natives, but he couldn’t be everywhere at once. Several of his underlings got away with massacring entire tribes.Although he did eventually find a cooperative liaison, it took a few more centuries to finally accord indigenous Australians the right to live according to their culture and beliefs.It is difficult to assess the legacy of the oldest continuous civilisation because they still live and we hope they will continue to do so â€" under their own rites and laws.Now discover what happened with the Mesopotamian civilisation.